Thursday, January 21, 2010

Welcome to the Tampa Bay AM Radio Blog!

Welcome to the first blog devoted exclusively to AM radio in Tampa Bay, Florida! From bold to mold, Iwill tell it straight! From WHNZ to WWBA, and a few surprises in between. Warning, do not visit here if you're looking for sports, "Puff Pieces," or "Party Lines." You won't get the usual tripe of "...Liberal...Conservative...," only hard hitting truth. If truth "offends" you, you'll eventually get over it. The truth shall set you free, content of character matters- not the color of your skin, party, or your coalition. I'm going to cover the local news/talk broadcasts, of course some of the nationally syndicated shows will get their acknowledgments.
Here's the history of the Tampa Bay AM Radio blog...just an American man reviewing Tampa Bay AM news/talk radio. Founded today, I am concerned about local community issues, how national players affect them, and what I "feel" should be done to either continue them, or do away with them altogether. Whether it deals with programming formats, or formats being attempted to mimic shows and programming of the past; I'll cover it. No, I do NOT like my "morning news with a bowl of ice cream." Sugar energy doesn't last long.

Understanding the errors humans make, I will present the facts to the best of my human ability. If you notice an error, or can clarify a post, by all means do so. Let me know, we're only human.

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